Checklist for Schedulers

Checklist for Schedulers

Please follow this list to start and complete projects.

Start a Project

If project request comes by email, we should submit a project in linguistlink. Project should be [pending] status.
Create a quote for the project.
Send the quote to the requester (send a direct message in LL)
When project is approved, select the team member to propose in ProjectItem box.
Change status to [new]. Proposal will go to team member.
After team member accepts will turn to [in progress]
Once it’s been accepted – then send the wordbee proposal.
Use wordbee to complete the job with translation/revision

Complete a Project

When the translation is complete, it can be uploaded to LL with the Delivery button
When ready to deliver back to the requester select “submit” from the message. (for some requesters, you should also follow up with an email).
Mark “complete for the ProjectItem” task. This will send a reminder to linguists to upload their invoices into linguistlink.
Approve invoice when it gets uploaded.

That’s it!

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