Announcements for Linguists for June

Announcements for Linguists for June

  • Got a Payment Inquiry? Please log your issue from our support page under "billing questions". This will enable us to get a speedy response. 
  • Are you interested in receiving a payroll report? 

    If you would like to receive a payroll report which summarizes your payroll information, you must opt-in on your Mindlink profile. Here's how:

    1. Log in to your profile here: >>https://mindlinkresources.com/paupress/login/<<
    2. Click the box "Opt In - Receive Payroll report"
    3. Access the report on the History tab of your profile.
  • Are you going to be out this summer? If you have plans for an extended trip this summer, will you please complete >>this form<< so that we can plan accordingly? Thanks!
  • Quick reminder! Send your invoice right after your project is over. Not sure about our billing process? >>Check it out here.<<
  • Are you signed up on our newsletter? If not, you might be missing some important updates, tips and tricks. >>Sign up here.<<