Accepting Tasks from CodYT
When there are many documents to translate, we may propose to groups of suppliers to get it done efficiently. We use a format in WordBee called “Codyt”. This provides automated workflows to allow us to complete big jobs quickly.
Please review these instructions so that you will be prepared to do your part to help everything move along!
Go to the Codyt jobs page in wordbee and view the projects.
Please only accept one job at a time. You will not be able to review your own job.
Click “Not Started”
Select the status that applies to you:
Option 1
Yes, I can take on this job!
This will put your name on the job and you will have exclusive access.
Option 2
Unfortunately, I have to decline this proposal.
This will remove the job opening from your job list.
Option 3
Send a message
Once you have accepted the job, it will be unlocked and ready to provide the translation or revision.
Complete the task and then change the status to “Complete”
Select “Work done, all OK”
In some cases, you may be asked to perform a QA step before you can complete. If this is the case you can follow the QA Checks process.
Once complete, go back and select another job.