Bill Total and Pay Total

Bill Total and Pay Total


The Bill Total and the Pay Total columns can be found in the “My Assignments” view. Please read below for more details on how they are calculated and when they are empty.


My Assignments View:


1. Pay Total








For Hourly Projects



Pay Rate or Rush Pay Rate

When the Rush Pay Rate is not set for the linguist, the Pay Rate will be used.

When the Pay Rate is not set for the linguist, the Pay Total will be empty


Est. Quantity(Hour)

Non Urgent: Pay Total = Pay Rate x Est. Quantity(Hour)

Ex. Pay Rate $20.00, Worked in 5 hours, then Pay Total is $100.00

Urgent: Pay Total

Rush Pay Rate x Est. Quantity(Hour)

Note: If Est. Quantity is not entered, our system will check the Word Count.

Ex. Rush Pay Rate $25.00, Worked in 5 hours, then Pay Total is $125.00

Ex. Project is Rush but no Rush Rate set for the linguist, then Pay Total is $100.00

Urgent: Pay Total

Rush Pay Rate x Est. Quantity(Hour)


For Translation per Word Projects



Non Urgent: Pay Total

Pay Rate x Word Count

Note 1: Only when Est. Quantity is not entered, our system will check this Word Count value.

Urgent: Pay Total

Rush Pay Rate x Word Count

Note 2: When Word Count is entered, but Pay Rate or Rush Pay Rate is the hourly rate (less than $1.00 for the Pay Rate), our system will not calculate the Pay Total value.

Est. Fixed Total($)

When this Est. Fixed Total is entered, Pay Total is the Est. Fixed Total value ONLY WHEN the calculation with Est Quantity and Word Count is not done.

Ex. Est. Fixed Total($) $125.00, then Pay Total is $125.00

2. Bill Total

This will be calculated with the Bill Rate (, which is previously called a Default Rate). 



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