Working with Automated Workflows

Working with Automated Workflows

In order to increase our delivery times for our clients, we are implementing tools for automating how projects are assigned and performed. For this to work properly, we need everyone to do their part. WordBee has features that work well for quick, small documents.


The following steps will walk you through our expectations for performing this work.

  1. Receive and Accept a Project . Understand the task you will need to complete (usually only one of the following) You will only be assigned one of these tasks, so please do not look to accept more than one:

    1. Translation

    2. Revision

    3. Back-Translation

  2. Once you have accepted the job in LinguistLInk, you should receive the request from WordBee when it is your turn to perform the task. You should receive an email where you can accept and start the assignment.

  3. When the task is complete, you should select the “status” from the top of the screen.

  4. A Job Status dialog box will open and you should select the appropriate task.

  5. When you complete it, the wordbee will then propose the job to the next linguist/task.



Cooperation is an important part of automation, so we need you to understand your role in the process and what you need to do.

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