Linguist Reviews

Linguist Reviews

For every project, coordinators, managers, and clients will have the opportunity to review your performance and give constructive feedback.

Step-by-step guide

  1. When you are done with a task, mark the task as "complete".
  2. This will trigger the coordinator to upload a review.
  3. You can respond to reviews from "reviews" section from the linguistlink login.

Reviews may or may not be public. The overall score will be public.

The rating scale is as follows:

1 - Not Acceptable

2 - Needs Improvement

3 - Meets Expectations

4 - Exceeds Expectations

5 - Remarkable

Note: our expectation is that you will provide accurate and complete translation. So, to achieve 4 or 5 scores, you must work independently, provide value-added consultation and delivery. 

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