What is Back Translation?

What is Back Translation?


Some projects may benefit from extra quality steps for their translation, one of those steps is “Back Translations”


Back translation helps to identify any confusion, ambiguities or errors that may arise from the nuances of language and helps to evaluate the equivalence of meaning between the source and target texts.

By comparing the back translation to the original text, the quality and accuracy of the translation into another language can be confirmed.

This is especially important when every small detail counts and a guarantee of quality, precision and accuracy is required.

What You Get with This Service

When we provide Back Translation, we perform the following steps:

  1. Assign translated text to a team member who was not involved in original translation to translation from the target language BACK into English.

  2. The source English version and the back translation are compared by a native English speaker. The reviewer will make notes any time the two translations do not match in meaning and concept.

  3. The report is sent to the original translator who will be able to revisit the translation to provide clarification if needed.

You will receive a copy of the report from our system so you can provide your own comparison between the English versions.

Example of report:

Example of Report


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